Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. So, since 2011, I have spent the entire month of October every year reviewing a horror movie each day. I've changed formats many times over the years, and in the past few years, I've even been joined by my wife Solee, as well as the occasional guest. We've got text, drawings, video reviews, audio reviews... we got it all! Wanna check out our reviews? Look below, or use the menu to the left to dig deeper!
Marshmallow creme is actually a naturally occurring geological resource. Who would've thought?
So, I find marshmallow creme a bit off-putting in the same way Cadbury Creme Eggs are, and yet it has a certain appeal, just like the eggs. A self-loathing sort of appeal. Do you eat candies that simultaneously repulse and attract you? I don't think I usually do. I hope you appreciate me buying that tub for you for this episode! Now my wife has to eat it. She likes THE STUFF.
If you want a "found footage" horror movie where the action is fast rather than the long silent waits you've come to expect, this one has it. That's a pretty specific desire though, you should really learn to relax and take life as it comes, Mr. Picky.
Boy, I can't really recommend this movie because, well... watch and see! Is this where we still are as a culture? Give a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Sock it to me!
Remember kids, science is your friend. The more outlandish the claim, the greater the evidence you should require before accepting it. Think critically! Listen to the guy from Wings!
Pretty much a public service announcement, warning you not to do something that you can't actually do anyway in the real world. I wonder what the deep real-life theme is behind that? Something about letting go of the past or it will decapitate you?