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  Slacker Attacker 04:56 PM -- Wed June 8, 2011  

I'm writing this post to avoid working on Mia's Happy Day! Right now, I'm trying to get the website set up to sell it. Last time I made a game for sale was like two years ago. There's so many little things I need to set up on the site. Don't go looking for them, I'm doing them on my offline copy. But I'm getting there!

So on that topic, this is how Mia's Happy Day is working. You can play the official levels for free, but if you want to build levels and play other peoples' levels, you have to pay up, cash money! It's $4.95, and half of that goes to charity (The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation), so if you don't buy it, you're a scrooge. The free version shall be splattered all over the web, and I'm thinking about trying to put MochiAds in it too (all the more reason to play at Hamumu, where we don't do ads!). So hopefully it will drag people here to Hamumu as well as getting them to pay up. I'm also going to see if I can get into the Kongregate microtransaction beta, so that people can buy access there as well, instead of coming here. That's important because people do not like signing up at new places, and there are lots of people signed up at Kongregate!

Still so much to do. It's a lot harder to make something for sale than to just put up a free game. Yeesh.
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