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  In trouble with Discord 11:07 AM -- Thu December 12, 2024  

I got in trouble with the Discord (link on our About page, come join us for Hamumu talk!) for not blogging in a few months. As if it were reasonable to expect a person to have a paragraph's worth of stuff going on in their life in only a few months! Also the trouble consisted of one off-hand comment, but I'm very sensitive.

Progress on BBS is a weird floaty place right now. First of all, it is December, which means a lot of not getting work done due to other obligations, the usual. Secondly, I have stopped updating for the testers as I am undergoing a major... overhaul is not the word, but polish phase of sorts. Testers have been playing a version of the game where everything is unlocked and free the whole time, but since most of the game is progressing what you have access to, they don't really get the feeling of playing the game for real. So I'm working to make it actually have progress as an element.

And in the process I am making something so secret and SO SPECIAL that I have not even told the testers I am working on it yet (in fact, I haven't even committed the code yet, so not even the official Hamumu Tech Guru, SpaceManiac, has seen it). Who knows what that could be?

So where is the game in general? All game modes are done except for two, and they are of course the two hardest. I'm not ready to figure out how they will go yet. I've also made four of the eight bonus weapons. Only thing slowing those down is that I consider that a treat, so I'm saving them for when I deserve it. But in more exciting news, a major major thing is happening regarding audio elements in the game (which are a massive part of the game). I will have more information on that later, and it's gonna be tres cool.

Boy, I hope after the years of effort somebody actually cares that this game exists. It's a lot. And it's SO stupid. This month the stupidity has easily grown by over 100%. You're gonna love it if you're Hamumian, although it is in a whole different world than, well, every major game I've released. In totally unrelated news, here's a song I really enjoy:

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