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  Mystical Creations 12:44 PM -- Tue February 25, 2025  

So, I have not made much Broken Build Simulator progress this month, but it's for a good cause!

Announcing (but not quite announcing because I haven't set up the page yet) Kid Mystic Steam Edition! Like the other re-releases, you will be able to get it free on itch.io, or pay for just a few little improvements on Steam (achievements and high scores, I think). Something about Kid Mystic has always called to me, it's just a fun platform for gaming ideas. So unlike the previous re-releases, there are some huge upgrades!

First of all, you can play the game in Classic Mode - if you do, it's almost unchanged. There are some bug fixes and a few little quality of life features, but it's almost identical to 20 years ago. Actually, here are specific changes you find in Classic Mode:
  • Runes! These are hidden in many levels, and they... just give you $20. Hmm. But it's fun to find new stuff, and it means there are a lot of new little puzzles!
  • Fast travel! You can return to previously completed chapters now, no more missing out. I won't spoil who takes you there, but it's an old friend you surely adore.
  • Brutal mode! Besides normal classic, you can also play Brutal Classic. It's like starting in Madcap Mode from the beginning, but don't worry, it's toned down some, and you can buy the Madcap upgrades from the beginning!
  • Little fixes and tweaks galore, like the money cap is now $9,999,999 instead of $50,000, and the wooden walls no longer have little purple pixels, and sound and music are more adjustable, and spellbooks more clearly show you which version you have.
But if there's a classic mode, then surely... Yep, you can also play Modern Mode! In Modern Mode, which has been redesigned for today's modern gamer, you no longer improve with levels gained, you get skill points instead. Spend those on the specific upgrades you want, including a lot of new tricks. Weird stuff, like Energy Barrage granting you a shield when you stop firing it, or the ability to parry (kind of) with the Stoneskin spell, or even a full-on execution attack for low-health enemies! What else has Modern Mode got for you?
  • Runes! Did I say they only give you $20? In Modern Mode, finding Runes and then upgrading them with Runestones that enemies drop provide massive power bonuses, but you can only equip 3 at a time. Define your build!
  • Fast travel! I'm not removing it in modern mode! Yay!
  • Brutal mode! Yes, you can also play Brutal Modern!
  • Weird Settings! This is a whole page of modifiers you can toggle. Things that you might only want in certain niche situations, but they're there if you need them - Turn off the Armageddon Skulls if you are tired of homing shots, Quick Cast by pressing the number keys, downgrade any specific spell to the lower tier version (cheaper, but weaker!), and more!
  • Adjust sound volume while playing, wow! It's truly a modern age!
  • Achievements! Can't be modern without those. They are also in Classic Mode, or rather some of them are. You'll have to play all the modes if you want all the achievements.
Of course, you can play Challenge mode in Classic, Modern, and Brutal versions, and your progress in each is saved separately. There are a ton of little bug fixes and gameplay tweaks in here, but I shall just leave you with a couple shots of how exciting Modern Mode is. What kind of mystical kid will you become?
Release Date: Soon-ish? Maybe a month? Maybe two? Maybe 2029?
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