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  It's so weird... 12:18 PM -- Thu April 22, 2004  

Life has been really hectic lately, but all of a sudden, it's come together. It's like all these major things were going on, and they all came to a head at the same exact time. Yesterday, in fact, was like the ultimate of them all: we signed our refi papers, our landscaping job was finished, and I switched the DNS over to the new server! In close relation was the conclusion of the 48 hour contest work (specifically, yesterday I put what I think are actually the very finishing touches on the judging portion, so of course same day as the others!).

Then, today, it goes a little further: I took the papers to the fedex place to send in this morning, so that is truly finalized today, and the server wasn't working with the new DNS, so I contacted the tech people, and they fixed it up, so it is propagated today, and finally working too.

But wait, there's more! Something else all of these things have in common is that, though they finished up yesterday, they all have more trickles to continue for a couple weeks. The LD48 contest, judging will last for 2 weeks, then I'll have to implement a vote tally and announce the winners (and have Pelly prizes, of course). The loan, we still have to hear back that we signed everything right and get the okay that it's really all done. The landscaping, we need to now use the new garden we got and plant it full of stuff, and do a few lesser landscaping things to finish it up (flowers to plant, an arbor to replace, tree trimming). The website, well, that's always ongoing I suppose, but I have had some pretty important bits I wanted in the near future.

Phew. So it's like there's multiple big loads off of my shoulders now, but they still left some dust and debris I'll have to wipe off for a while. Still, it's such a feeling to realize that things are in a calmer place again.

Now all I have to do is: improve the download system, improve the newsletter system, finish the stockboy patch, redo the loonyland demo, redo the stockboy demo, ready Kid Mystic for sale with demo, packaging, and all, ready Spooky Castle for download, ready Eddie Galaxy for sale with all the elements, revamp the bookkeeping system to be somewhat useful, and of course, after all of that... work on Sol Hunt. That game has an epic history of life on the back burner, doesn't it?

I guess things never really calm down.
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