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  Robot Wants More Justice 05:49 PM -- Thu February 14, 2019  

Hey look, it's the first boss in Robot Wants Justice! Also a Durpoid being rescued by Puppy at the same time, which is a happy coincidence for my screenshot.

We're definitely in the home stretch now and yesterday was the first time it actually felt like it (probably because I finished the final boss of Justice, and thus the classic map is done). So here's your progress update for this week:
  • RWIC easy map done!
  • RWIC remix map
  • RWJ classic map done!
  • RWJ easy map
  • RWJ remix map
  • Finishing up 3 of the bonus features - just one left unfinished!
  • 20 8 Achievements to go!
  • 6 5 Awards - these are incredibly tricky to come up with.
  • an ever-increasing number of bugs to fix of course. Still true again! I suspect RWJ will come with a lot of scary ones once the testers get a hold of it.
  • polish! - Someday!
There are a lot of other little tasks (or big) that this list doesn't really show. For instance today has been completely spent implementing all 12 Mutators for RWJ. I'm so close to done too, just one to go... but it's a big one.

So the plan currently is a release sometime in March. I hope. I am going to be go on a cruise in March, so that's a week gone there, but we're so close that I think we can make this happen. I'm so excited to be done! GO ROBOT GO!
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  Robot Wants More Sekrits 11:42 AM -- Tue January 22, 2019  

I have no comment about the above picture, because there are fun surprises to be found in this game! Although I will say I stole the oyster art from my old game Scuba Jim.

Sadly, I have given up on Twitch streaming. I kept knowing I needed to do it, but making excuses or finding reasons not to. It took about 5 seconds of analysis to recognize that I was avoiding it because I don't like to be in the public eye! So I quit. I mean I could do it again sometime, but I'm definitely not scheduling it again. It's just not me to do that kind of thing, and my actual life pushes me constantly out of my comfort zone, so why throw in my own added pushing? Admittedly, there are reasons to do so, but they're not compelling enough for me, so I remain in my botcave, cranking out awesome content comfortably with jammin' tunes playing (that was the worst - not being able to listen to copyrighted music while on the stream!). It's made me much more productive!

To revisit the to-do list from our last post, here's how things have changed:
  • RWIC easy map done!
  • RWIC remix map
  • RWJ about half of the classic map (and enemies, etc. Actually making the game work)
  • RWJ easy map
  • RWJ remix map
  • Finishing up 3 of the bonus features - one remains in a very early state, one just needs tweaks, and one is about 75% done. These are big big fun things, which feel like whole alternate games.
  • 20 17 Achievements (I think the 20 was wrong, because I've done more than 3 since then...)
  • 6 Awards - somehow still 6 even though I did add one!
  • an ever-increasing number of bugs to fix of course. Still true, but boy did we knock a massive pile of them off
  • polish! - keep dreaming on this one!

So the big takeaway here is that I got lots of bonus games done, which are huge and awesome, and the RWIC Easy map, and I did not so much as touch Robot Wants Justice. Which is sad. But I'm having so much fun working on one of the bonus games... it's just right up my alley. Almost done though, then we'll see!
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  Robot Wants SEKRITS 08:24 AM -- Sat January 12, 2019  

Over the past week or so, I've been working really hard on some bonus features in Robot Wants It All. In total there are 6 bonuses - one for each game. They range from meh little things, like the kind of bonuses you get in other games, to awesome whole new game modes. I'm really having fun with the one related to Robot Wants Fishy, but alas, they are all secret, so you'll just have to find out when the game launches.

In progress news, the following things remain:
  • RWIC easy map
  • RWIC remix map
  • RWJ about half of the classic map (and enemies, etc. Actually making the game work)
  • RWJ easy map
  • RWJ remix map
  • Finishing up 3 of the bonus features
  • 20 Achievements
  • 6 Awards
  • an ever-increasing number of bugs to fix of course
  • polish!
That's about it! So, I guess I'll go focus in on those and actually get somewhere.
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  Robot Still Wants Ice Cream 09:15 AM -- Wed January 2, 2019  

Look, Robot Wants Ice Cream is now fully implemented (including all the special skins and mutators from this game) in Robot Wants It All! That's the last old game. Robot Wants Justice is around halfway done, whatever that means.

The home stretch, of course, is called a stretch for a reason, though it was greatly stretched out by several weeks last month where I was way too busy with life stuff to do any work. But we are still moving along, and it should (still) be a couple of months until release. It might always be a couple of months until release, because that's how game development works. But it's closer than it was on our last update, anyway.

It's kind of a shame that RWIC is the 4th game in the series, because it's far and away the easiest and most accessible. You kinda just bounce around murdering everything, with no real puzzle or challenge (except the final boss, who still is a lot easier than anything in the earlier games!). It would make a nice intro to the whole thing. It's a lot of fun to play for sure, especially with all the interesting variations added in Robot Wants It All.

Robot really encompasses quite a spectrum, from the ultra-hardcore precision skill of Robot Wants Puppy, to the mindless blasting of Robot Wants Ice Cream. I'm not entirely sure where Robot Wants Justice fits in that spectrum, but it's somewhere closer to the Puppy end of things. Hopefully not too close, but a little puzzling challenge is good.
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