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  Robot Wants Stuff 11:43 AM -- Fri June 18, 2010  

Robot Wants Fishy is done! Well, I'm waiting for music, but my work and even testing is done. I can't release it, in part due to the music thing, but also because I have some business stuff I need to do with it. But now feeling so free and easy for a couple of weeks, it's time to get back to work on Infinite Deadly Islands of Terror! If I can remember how that works.

Remember, I am Riding The Wave. As opportunities pop up - and they sure do - I keep getting forcibly sidetracked into things I have to do. But I surely do enjoy these little projects! And they mean I can make games that are free for the players, but I still make money. Really good deal, especially considering that when I do charge for stuff, people just steal it anyway, and I don't have a big enough audience to make a living from the people who do buy it.

Robot Wants News: Robot Wants Ice Cream is next, but I may turn out to not have to make it. It's a nice end to the quadrilogy though, what with a very deep and moving story. I enjoy doing this series, and I really could do 20 more and have fun the whole way (and so many more upgrades Robot could find! He still hasn't gotten a grappling hook!), but it'll be good to move on to different characters. I made Robot Wants Fishy for some fairly complicated reasons, but basically the gist of it is that I made two versions of it - Fishy, and another one skinned with a certain website's characters to put up on their site (the fact that they wanted a skinned version is the whole reason I made the game). Making their character, which is an animated humanoid instead of a wheeled robot, got me realizing how fun it would be to finally be playing something other than a wheeled robot! So I look forward to that. And with all the trailers and news coming from E3, I got a bunch of ideas for things I want to rip off!
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