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  Ludum Dare 27! 08:01 PM -- Fri August 23, 2013  

It begins now! The theme is 10 Seconds. Get to making a game!

I actually will not be able to work for a large portion of it, AND I'm downloading Unity right now, so that's what I'm gonna try out, so there's basically zero chance that I'll make anything I can share, but hey, I'll be LEARNIN'!
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  Two Guys Made An MMO 10:17 PM -- Wed June 19, 2013  

How extra lazy for me to make my first blog entry in weeks and have it just be a link to somebody else's blog!

(Warning: it's not totally family friendly, but close enough and worth it for the interesting tale)
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  Hamumu Changes! 01:52 PM -- Sun May 12, 2013  

Hey folks! Look, I'm a-bloggin! I just made some kinda subtle, kinda major, changes to the Hamumu site just now.

I've removed the Mac versions of Loonyland, Kid Mystic, and Pumpkin Pop, since few people even own the Macs that could run them anymore (yay Apple for changing their OS constantly and having no backwards compatibility! I shall not rant). As much as I'd like to just leave them there for the few who could use them, it's far more often that they cause angry customers and refunds than happy results. I left up the two freebies (Retrovirus and Ninja Academy) that have Mac versions, just in case anybody wants to nab those still for whatever reason.

I've also removed the ability to purchase with anything other than Paypal or Yerfbucks! Well, I mean you can use a credit card to pay through Paypal, so it's not like you need a Paypal account to order. You can still use all the same methods you could before (no mail order, but if you send me a check, I'm happy to send you a game. Last time somebody did that was like 5 years ago! Trivia fact: Nobody ever used the fax order option, not once in over 10 years).

Now why did I do such a thing? Because just yesterday I set the wheels in motion to form a corporation! That's right, Hamumu is going to be an Inc. pretty soon. That doesn't actually mean anything for anybody on the outside, it's just something I'm doing for tax and liability purposes, but it's sort of exciting for some reason. I'm gonna get a share of stock! Anyway, the big issue is that transferring over the merchant account from the company to the corporation would've been complicated, and I have had my own complications with the merchant account in the past year, so I'm happier to dispose of it and just let things be easy instead of super-complex!

With my focus 100% on Growtopia (and rightly so indeed), I like to get all my ducks into a row that is very simple and organized in all other areas.

Speaking of Growtopia, I won't spoil anything, but we have BIG BIG BIG weekends coming up this weekend and next. Probably the biggest, most exciting, non-holidays we've ever done. Fun stuff is coming. We also broke 3,000 players online at once (without any lag problems!) for the first time ever this weekend, so we're still growing! Some other interesting stats that Seth was sharing with me yesterday: As I tweeted, the top time-played in Growtopia is somebody with 1270 hours played, and not a single dime spent, a statistic I'm very proud of. That tells me our game isn't "evil" with its in-app purchases. Also yesterday, the total playtime for the day between all players combined was over 48,000 hours - Five and a half years of human potential was squandered on Growtopia in a single day. Imagine what the world could've accomplished.
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  TOWLDR! 12:32 PM -- Sun April 28, 2013  

I entered Ludum Dare for the first time in a long while this weekend! I made a whole game which is lots of "fun", because it's a Towlr! It's called TOWLDR, and you can play it on Kongregate right now: Kongregate link

You can also vote on it if you're an LD guy yourself, or grab the source code (but don't spoil it for yourself! Towlr is about mystery and wonder!!) as it is located hereabouts on the Ludum Dare site: Ludum Dare TOWLDR page

This was a fun break from my Growtopia duties. The theme of Ludum Dare this weekend was "Minimalism" which made making an entry extra easy. I have been mighty incognito for many weeks, but I am finally feeling mostly healthy, and still doing the same old stuff... cranking out new Growtopia items. A holiday is coming up soon in Growtopia...
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  GDC Bound! 08:58 PM -- Thu March 21, 2013  

I'm heading to GDC for the first time ever on Sunday! I'm a-scared! But I'm ready with my supplies:

Biz cards and "app icon stickers", which apparently you're supposed to trade with other developers. I don't know who started that, but it's a thing this year, so I'm gonna do the thing. Gotta catch 'em all!

Anyway, I never blog anymore as you have noticed, and you know what I'm busy working on ALL the time (hint: see the little red-head guy in the picture above). I've never had anything close to this much success in my entire life (let's see how long it holds out...), but at the same time, it means I don't get to do much I might want to do, but at least the thing I have to do is really fun, and honestly pretty easy. Except for the part where I have to watch 1500+ kids scream at each other and demand retribution and pain all day long. The moderating is not a blast. But making stuff is!

But next week, that is all in Seth's lap, because I'm gonna be roaming the streets of San Francisco. If you're going to GDC, I'll see you there! I'll be the guy with the cards and stickers pictured above. And I look like that guy in the Behind The Dumb videos.
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  New Items In Growtopia! 11:11 PM -- Thu March 7, 2013  

We have new items every week in Growtopia, but this time I made a quick little video, mainly because the special effect on the headphones isn't in-game yet (we're waiting on Apple to approve our latest update), and I wanted to share it. We also have the craziest, most expensive, item the game has ever seen (and yeah, I totally saw RedBone's broadcast about it!):

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  FebROLLary! 12:27 PM -- Thu February 28, 2013  

Well, indeed Growtopia is keeping me busier than I've been in years. Especially with major crises this past week. So I didn't even have time to make my knight-squishing-blobs game go anywhere. But I could leave February gameless, could I? I would never forfeit a chance to keep a combo going! So without further ado, here are the rules for FebROLLary, an original dice game you can play with your friends:

You'll just need (a lot of) dice and some poker chips (or money, I suppose! Or peanut M&Ms, my favorite choice) to bet with. Play Febrollary today! It even got beta tested by my sister's family and received the coveted Thumb's Up award from them.
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  February 1GAM 04:44 PM -- Mon February 18, 2013  

This is a work-in-progress clip from my February 1GAM. It's not really called Knighto, that's just what I named the folder I put it in. It has no name as yet, or point. I'm still busy all the time with Growtopia but I thought I'd do something just for fun, which is almost a new concept to me. So I pixeled a knight (really badly, actually... I don't like doing top-down stuff!), without any idea of what I wanted to do with him, and just kinda went from there. So what we have so far is a knight running around "Super Dungeon Room", swiping at blobs like he's using a windshield wiper instead of a sword. It's kind of fun just because of the massive splatter factor.

I can't say if this will ever amount to anything, but each little bit I add inspires me with ideas for what it could be in the end. I don't really have time to make anything, but hey, pecking away at this is a better way of amusing myself than TV or video games, I think. It's almost productive!

Of course I should be working on Dr. Exploro if I'm going to have a side project, but I needed something small and simple, just to mess around. Digging into a major game while still hacking on Growtopia every day is a real brain burner, whereas this thing is... I don't know, fun I guess you call it?
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  One Flu Over, Got Beaucoup Rest 11:19 AM -- Tue February 5, 2013  

It's been a rough couple weeks! My wife came home with the flu, so I took care of her for three or four days, and you know where that's going... I ended up laying around exhausted and coughing for the next four or five days. Even once I thought I was better, I relapsed into more fever the next day. Now I think I really am all better, but it's like I just lost a week and a half of life, and I'm still so tired! Spent the whole time just watching TV (when I was conscious).

I don't know what you care about that, I just felt like I wanted to explain where I've been for the last couple weeks! Got back into Growtopia work in the last couple days (still coughing though!). Lots of big updates are coming there! I want to keep some as surprises, but I can tell you the trade system is done, awesome and rock-solid, and being tested now, and there are dozens of new items that are going to appear in the game at various points in the next couple weeks (some use technology that isn't in the game yet, so they can't be enabled until updates come out, and others may have... other reasons? for not being added just yet).

So it's February! I'm supposed to release one game a month! That is going to be really tough. Growtopia remains all-consuming. It also continues to grow! This past weekend we hit a new record of 1500 users online at once.
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  Growing Like A Topia 02:09 PM -- Sun January 20, 2013  

All those little flags are players!

So it's been a crazy week. Only a week? Maybe it's been two crazy weeks. It's been crazy! Growtopia set a new record yesterday of 1,000 users online at the same time (it went beyond that, but 1000 sounds nice, and we didn't reach 1,100... that I know of!). So as you can imagine, it's kind of exploded. What's really scary/crazy/cool/whatever about it is that we are doing terribly in the App Store rankings, and we're getting almost no press coverage. Now that doesn't sound cool, and it's not. But what's cool is that we have this immense, ever-increasing growth of players, despite not having the press in our corner or anybody big talking about us at all. It's purely organic word-of-mouth growth. We have had brief mentions on some of the major iOS and Android sites, but in each case it was just one little quick "this game is coming soon" and nothing more, so we're definitely not riding a wave of PR here! Relatively speaking, we don't have very many players, but the ones we do have are online for hours. We have made the most addictive game ever.

So the craziness isn't just sitting here and marveling at the numbers rising. It's more the craziness of constantly battling hacks and fraud (don't try either one, the system auto-bans people who try! And hoo boy, do we get emails about it!), constantly helping people, constantly monitoring issues as we resolve problems with the server and its ability to handle such a ridiculous number of players. And of course developing the major updates that we want to get out there anyway. There are a lot of core game features we still haven't even put in! Wish we had time to really focus on the new stuff, because that's the fun part.

I had so many plans of other games to work on, and other things I wanted to do with my life (I am trying to study music! That's the educational goal I came up with), but Growtopia grows and consumes every inch of my life. I literally wake up and turn on the logs and do my first checks. Anything else I do, I come back every few minutes to check the email, logs, etc. When I go for walks with my wife, or we eat together, Topia is the topic. It just always changes to that. There's just so much to be done with it, and so much to think about, it's really overwhelming. I wouldn't want to live like this forever, but it's very exciting for now. And I'm not the one who's really working hard - my partner Seth is doing all the serious work. I just make goofy little pictures.

I think I'm gonna have a real problem with 1 Game A Month, because I can see the rest of this year being consumed in a frenzy of Punch. Build. Grow. And you know, that might be okay.
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