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  Sneak Peek: Loonyland: Titan Tunnels 10:24 AM -- Mon March 12, 2007  

To clarify something people keep asking, this is a new game. Obviously it's more than a little similar to Loonyland 2, but just pretend that's a coincidence. It's like Quake and Ratchet & Clank, or Candyland and Tony Hawk, or Tic-Tac-Toe and Gradius. Two different games. I hope that is clear. Not an expansion, not a patch, a new game. It's one of those "If you liked Loonyland 2, you'll love Titan Tunnels!" kind of things, in marketing terms. And the reason it's not Loonyland 2: Titan Tunnels (by the way, this is just the working title, anyway) is that this is just a "side story" to the whole Loonyland saga. It's not a part of Loonyland 2. I was thinking of Loonyland Side Story, but that's long and ugly (there's a console RPG that does that, though).

So, with that said, here's a new thing in LL:TT: Classes! The concept is pretty simple, but affects the entire game a lot. When you begin, you choose your class, like any RPG. But the only class available initially is Peasant, which is nothing at all. When you open treasure chests while playing, there's a chance of finding Class Manuals for the other classes, so you gradually unlock them.

All the classes other than Peasant have a set of 3 Primary Skills, and 2 Primary Talents (or maybe it was just 1). You begin the game with those skills and talents unlocked. You have to find the others, which are randomly hidden like in LL2. But there's a downside of sorts to having Primary Skills and Talents. Your other Skills can never be higher than the lowest of your Primary Skills (not counting bonuses from items and such). So that basically forces you to level up those 3 skills (but then, you chose to play this class, so they are presumably skills you want to use). Talents are similar - you better work on leveling your primaries, because your other talents won't level up unless they are lower than your primary talents.

In this way, your class forces you to play a certain way to an extent. You can certainly bend any class to do anything, since you have access to all skills and talents (eventually), but you will need to level up the primary stuff first. So if you are playing a Warrior, you'll be doing a lot of axe swinging, and presumably you'll stick with it the whole game, because you'll have leveled those skills up the most.

There's another thing that pushes you into a certain playstyle. Each class has a specific bonus. For example, the Warrior just mentioned has +10% damage with an axe. So that's all the more reason to really focus on using the axe instead of casting spells.

The last thing going for a class is a starting item. The starting item you get is a little better than normal, but certainly won't last the whole game. It's just to give you a start. Since we're talking Warrior, he of course gets a magic Axe. It has a random magical bonus, a +1 to Axe Mastery, and stats of around 4/4 maybe. Maybe 3/3. I don't know yet.

There is one more thing to know about classes. I haven't really worked on this concept at all yet, but instead of achievements, this game I want to have Class Goals. So depending on the class you play, you get a set of 5 or 10 achievements to seek. Some are generic - one will definitely be "Win the game", and others are unique to the class (generally based around which skills that class uses, like a Necromancer might have "2,000 enemies beaten by Boneheads"). Since there are a ton of skills, there shall be a ton of classes. Before I even added many of the skill ideas, I had a list of 20 classes. So the game is intended to be played many many times, playing every class.

What can you earn by completing Class Goals? I'm not sure yet. Maybe that should be how you get classes instead of random finds - you buy them with stars you get completing Class Goals. So you need to complete maybe 1 goal as a Peasant before you get your next class, then between those two classes, you need to complete 2 more goals to unlock a 3rd. Each class could require 1 more goal to open, but you have a wider variety of options to get it from.

I also like the idea, which I have not really considered much yet, of having Hero Classes. That's an idea that Blizzard talked about being in World of Warcraft that still is not in. It's a super-duper class they were going to let you switch to at max level. In my case, it'd just be an overpowered class. It'd be very hard to unlock, either requiring a lot of stars in the above system, or otherwise (wouldn't it be cool if there was a Hero version of every class, and you unlocked it by getting all goals of that class?). These classes would have some absurd advantages, and start with golden items (or a specific artifact?) and a bunch of money and stuff. Just a walk in the park version of the game, pretty much. The Hero Warrior (Champion?) for example could have as his bonus power "1% damage bonus for every point in a Swinging Skill". That's both very powerful and a unique thing. Or maybe instead of a walk in the park, Hero characters play a Heroic difficulty mode, like a lesser version of Madcap.

That sounds good - off the top of my head, Heroic Mode would let you buy Madcap items, but you start at level 1 and all. The enemies are boosted by an increasing amount, according to your level. So once you reach level 50, the enemies are exactly equal to Madcap in LL2. But as you get there, they keep ramping up, so you need to work on those Madcap Items. Maybe that's a bit questionable, since you wouldn't really be able to move forward in the dungeon, as it would keep getting tougher as you leveled up, until you reached 50. But perhaps your Heroness would counter that somewhat. It's an interesting situation that sounds fun to me. And brings to mind two obvious new Modifiers: Hero (isn't there one called that already? Anyway, this one would put you in Heroic Mode even if you are not a Hero class), and Wimp (puts you in normal mode even if you are playing a Hero class).

So, a lot of ideas there. As you can see, it's not solidified yet, and you are welcome to toss around your own ideas. I do listen!
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  Sneak Peek: Loonyland: Titan Tunnels 03:55 PM -- Fri March 9, 2007  

Back again, with Grappling updates. Here's a list of all the Grappling skills planned (10, of course).
  • Grappling - The key skill. Like Throwing, you need this skill to be able to use Grappling at all. When you hold a guy, your stamina drains (faster depending on how much life the enemy has), and you move very slowly. Raising this skill increases the movement speed, and decreases the rate that your stamina drains.

  • Badguy Toss - Having the Grappling skill allows you to throw badguys once you lift them (since it's pretty useless, otherwise!), but this skill improves throwing them. Raising this level boosts the damage done by throwing, and decreases the stamina cost of throwing. Both the cost and damage are based on the enemy's current life, just like the cost of holding it. So as you meet tougher enemies, they become harder to lift and throw, but make more effective weapons when thrown. That makes it quite a bit different from other attack skills. Of course, you are limited to smaller enemies. No lifting Ice Titans, Gorkas, or any bosses (or immobile enemies, like Roses).

  • Tickling - This is a nice passive ability. As long as you are holding an enemy, there's a small chance every half second that he'll take a small amount of damage. Not only is that a fun way to kill monsters (or will be once I had a "heehee" sound effect), but it also makes the cost of holding the monster decrease, as his life gets sucked away.

  • Conversion - I've implemented this, but am in no situation to test it just yet. The concept is simple: if you hold a guy long enough, you lose some magic, and he converts to your team permanently. Leveling it up makes the required time shorter, and decreases the magic cost of converting. This skill has some great built-in limitations that make it interesting. You need a lot of Stamina to hold an enemy for a long time, and the tougher the enemy, the more quickly you lose Stamina. And most importantly of all, since you can't pick up any big monsters, I don't have to set any limits on who you can convert or how many or anything. Make yourself an army, if you have a whole lot of spare time, magic, and stamina.

  • Atomic Drop - This is not implemented yet (and none of the below skills are either). Press Jump while holding a guy to slam him into the ground. It causes an explosion which does damage over a radius. It does lots of damage to the victim, and half that much over the radius. What's really interesting about this skill, and you'll see this concept come up several times in the new skills, is that it drains all your Stamina when you do it. You can do it with as much or as little Stamina as you want. The damage it does depends on how much Stamina you used (leveling the skill gets you more damage per point of Stamina, as well as a bigger radius). I like that idea a lot. Like Conversion, it makes its own unique and interesting balance elements.

  • Badguy Bonk - This skill is debatable. I may need to replace it with something. If you tap Attack without pushing a direction (as opposed to holding a direction to throw the badguy), this smashes your badguy onto the ground in front of you, like a club. It does smallish damage to the guy used as a club, and lots of damage to enemies in a small radius. You of course get to keep holding the badguy (it just costs some stamina), so this is a fun way to use up your limited holding strength, clubbing monsters. The big problem with this skill is that there are no special "get thrown" animations for monsters, so when you "swing" the monster, he'll stay in his standing position, rather than tilt to be laying down. I think that will look very weird and wrong.

  • Atomic Quake - A passive upgrade to the Atomic Drop. Just adds Stone Spikes shooting out in random directions whenever you do it. I haven't really detailed this skill idea (and it's an awfully basic idea anyway), but I guess it would either add a certain fixed stamina cost to Atomic Drop, or a magic cost. Maybe instead of launching spikes, it should shake the screen, stunning all enemies onscreen for a short moment every time you do an Atomic Drop. That doesn't sound bad at all.

  • Badguy Bomb - A passive upgrade to Badguy Toss. Makes a radius explosion where the badguy hits. This is an important upgrade, because without it, throwing an enemy can never hurt more than 2 enemies at once (the throwee, and the guy he lands on). The radius is small, increasing with levels, because it spreads the full throw damage over the radius, which could be hefty.

  • Hoover Hands - Increases the range at which you can grab enemies, sucking them in from further away. That's not such an amazing upgrade, so it comes with a side bonus: you suck in nearby coins and items any time you are holding down Attack to do your grabbing. Still, this skill isn't blowing me away (no pun desired).

  • Magic Hands - Another rather boring one, this decreases the cost of Grab Spells by 1 per level. Remember, there is one Grab Spell in each school of magic, and they can only be cast while you are holding a monster.
So there are the ten Grappling skills! However, some of them aren't very exciting. Do you have ideas to replace them? I can't really have a variety of throws (nevermind that Loony has no throwing animation, and the monsters have no getting-thrown animation), since the 3 'moves' in the list above use up all the reasonable button combinations. I guess there could be a 4th, by having just Jump versus Jump+direction. But probably even the 3 I have is a little more Street Fighter than it should be. That's another reason I'm unsure about including the Badguy Bonk. The Toss and Drop are good, because that's just one to each button (and the Jump one makes a lot of sense, since you jump up when you do it), but beyond that, it starts getting a little tricky. It might be nice to have more skills that modify the existing throws, much like how there are a stack of skills that upgrade Throwing and Axe Mastery.

Incidentally, this throwing stuff is partly inspired by Murray, from the Sly Cooper games! Right down to having an upgrade that makes thrown guys explode.
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  Live Via Library 04:06 PM -- Wed March 7, 2007  

And now I am not on satellite, but rather on the wireless network at the Temecula library! It's a nice fancy new library they just built. I have a lovely huge view out this window, gazing down upon a park with some baseball fields and a residential area and distant mountains. This is my first try at library working. When they built this new one (the old one is not to be thought about), Sol and I discussed how it might be fun for me to come down and work here once a week. They're all set up for it, with free wireless (and fast! Maybe I should see about gaming...), free plugs (nice since the laptop's battery hasn't worked in years), lots of tables, and free aforementioned view. It's actually set up a lot like a university library, not a public library.

I don't think I'll be doing any serious work here, though. The problems are myriad, none huge, but all conspiring. The laptop makes typing awkward, the screen gets glare from the lovely windows, it doesn't have all my most important stuff on it, it's physically painful to sit a long time working on a laptop (there's hunching involved - why won't anybody invent my laptop idea: the screen can be disconnected but stays in touch via a cord? You'd need a stand to really benefit from that in a library, but that could be available too!), and of course there are many things I can't do. Like have any sound at all, or record my commentaries. Or have any degree of privacy.

It's not all brimstone and hog droppings, though. It's nice being here, and a fun break from spending all my days at home. I may come down here every so often for the change of pace. It definitely won't be productive, but that's not the point. I am free to be unproductive if I want! It's just for fun. Though programming here is a challenge, other tasks can be done somewhat well. So if I developed an alternative task to work on, I could do it here every other week or so. Could do writing, drawing (the real kind), some marketing stuff online for sure. Who knows?

They are filming a documentary here at the library today! That's sort of exciting. I had to wade through the crew and cables and light thingies (those big flexi things they use to deflect light) to get in the door. I was kind of worried they weren't open, but once through the maze, I found the doors worked fine, and there was a note by them saying "The library will have extra activity in it today, because a documentary about the Boy Scouts is being filmed." I'm not sure exactly what they're doing at the library, but here they are. I only have one real observation about the issue, since mostly I haven't seen them except for all their junk out front. That is that I am seeing firsthand how not-real documentaries are. It's not a couple guys and a handheld camera, it's a full-fledged film crew (ooh, someone just said "Alright, let's do a take!" It's like Hollywood in here). There's even a craft services table outside (it was unguarded when I went by, I could've enriched my food supplies!). Nobody could possibly act 'natural' when confronted with an entire crew like that. They spent several hours just setting up (for all I know, this is their first shot of the day, and it's been 5 hours since I first got here). Nothing spontaneous or real there. Of course, on the flipside, documentaries aren't all about catching reality as it happens. They also film setups to show as they are talking about stuff. Maybe they just want a shot of bookshelves going by, I don't know. Or it's a dramatic reenactment. Could be! Someone just shouted "action", so whatever it is, it's certainly scripted. Ooh, I hear the dialogue... it's indeed a scripted scene of some kind. If you ever see a Boy Scout documentary which contains some talk in a library about "Okay, so no multiple choice option for this next part. We're going to talk about the difference between Constitutional and Non-Constitutional governments.", then just know I was sitting about 10 yards away while it was filmed! Not sure how that relates to the Boy Scouts, but hey, it's their movie.

So that's the kind of exciting new experiences I get to have when I come to town. It's surely worth having an unproductive day once in a while. And most importantly, I got to eat lunch out.
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  Sneak Peek: Loonyland: Titan Tunnels 06:01 PM -- Tue March 6, 2007  

Long time, no see! But now I have something to show you! I have begun development on the side-story to Loonyland. It has no plot. It is a randomly generated dungeon romp wherein you seek to get to the bottom of the random dungeon, fight the evil boss, and thus win. It is something I'm making entirely because I really like the gameplay of LL2, but I don't want to play that adventure, since I created it. I really like plowing through the arena, so this is a more fun version of that - a long series of random levels.

The shot above is the very first steps I've taken. I have many skills I plan to add for this game, it won't just be an alternate LL2 quest. It'll be a big change, like a sequel, only not related to the plot (theoretically, the plot of this game is "Let's say that the Titan Tunnels extended deeper and Loony had to go down there to fight the Titans, only he reverted to Level 1 before doing so, and everybody started acting differently"). Anyway, what's that you see? A teddy bear on Loony's head!? What!? That is the new axe mode: Grapple Mode.

In this mode, you swing just like in Swing Mode (and all the bonuses you have for Swing Mode apply), but holding down the button does not autofire. Instead, it makes you move really slowly with some sort of indication in front of you (don't know what yet). If you put that indication on an enemy of sufficiently small size, you pick him up, and strangely enough carry him on your head. Then you can push any direction and the attack button to throw him. Later there will also be an Atomic Drop (push Jump instead), and possibly the Badguy Bonk (push attack without a direction, to slam the guy into the ground like a club). That one will look quite funny, since the enemy won't lay horizontally for it, so I don't know about including it.

Like Throwing and Swinging, Grapple mode is a page of 10 skills that all pertain to that. Carrying an enemy drains your stamina (more quickly depending on how much life the enemy has), so the basic Grappling skill makes it drain more slowly, as well as allow you to move faster while carrying them. Running out of stamina drops the enemy. Then there's Badguy Toss, which increases the damage done by throwing them (by the way, of course it hurts both the thrown guy and any guy he hits when he is thrown!). And Atomic Drop, which jumps you into the air and slams the enemy straight down, creating an explosion over a radius, but costing much stamina. Other highlights include Tickling, which randomly does little bits of damage to the guy you are carrying, and Conversion, which switches the enemy permanently (well, until he dies or you leave that map) to your side if you can hold him long enough - of course, because of the stamina drain, only a weak enemy or one that is badly injured could be Converted. And other skills which pertain to that stuff.

I put this grappling stuff in first off because it's a major change - I needed to see if conceptually it was even fun to do, and simple enough to understand (it is definitely fun to do!). Also, several other things rely on it. One is that I intend to expand the 5 schools of magic, so that each one occupies a page of skills (so 10 skills each). What's the connection? One spell in each school will be a Grab Spell, which means it can only be cast when you are holding an enemy (the spell list only shows Grab Spells if you are holding an enemy, and they don't show up if you aren't). Not only is that fun - especially the Doom Grab (Death Magic) which instantly kills the victim for a huge cost - but it also helps keep the spell lists from getting too long, while still giving you lots of spells. There will also be at least one passive skill in each school, much like what the talents do. One thing I have to consider in making this change is the Synergy bonus in LL2. In LL2, it was possible to get up to 40% bonus damage from synergy (1% per point in each of the 4 skills). With this, that bonus climbs to a potential 100% (there are 10 skills). I'm not sure if that is simply okay, because I can then let things get harder by the end - but need to also improve physical combat accordingly - or if I need to cut the bonus in half, making it possible to reach 50%, a reasonable boost (but it would cost you twice as many skill points to get the boost). Or something else entirely!

As an experiment, I want to make this development as wide open as I can make it, so I shall be updating with info on this stuff as much as I can, and you have a job too. Your job is to post on the Loonyland forum about what you think the game should contain. I already have a bazillion ideas, and I'll gradually be explaining them to you as the development continues. Just look how much I have rambled already, and I haven't even mentioned character classes!

Of course, I'm still working on the Collector's Edition - it's just that the only thing left to do on that is the commentary, and I can't sit and do commentary all day. It melts my brain and my vocal cords.
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  Live Via Satellite 11:09 PM -- Wed February 28, 2007  

No more dialup for me! I am coming to you live via satellite! Actually, it's been a huge trial to get it working, and it's still got some serious issues, like how it pops up my "Connect to dial-up?" message every 30 seconds or so. That's actually a new problem, and most of the other problems disappeared when it arrived, so I kind of like it. Guild Wars won't start up at all, and I have been chatting with their tech support about it. But from what I see/hear, it won't matter. I have a ping of around 1500 on average, which means, for those who are not online gaming savvy, that it takes 1.5 seconds for data to get from my computer to a server and back. Think about it - you hit the button, and 1.5 seconds later, your guy shoots. Not too good. Even dial-up usually gets you about a 300 ping most of the time. That latency is kind of icky on the web and email too, actually, but it still blows away dial-up for the web and downloading because of how fast it goes once it does get the command across. It downloads far more than 10x as fast, and we're using the cheapest/slowest package available.

Anyway, in case you were wondering, satellite is the last refuge for us people out in the boonies who can't get DSL or cable. Nobody would recommend it over those options, ever. But when it's that or dial-up, satellite wins... mostly. Dial-up is still plainly superior for gaming, and a lot of satellite users actually dial in to play games. Not me though! We're getting rid of the land line, since it has no purpose but dial-up, and we'll save almost as much as the satellite costs by canceling it. I miss video games.

But satellite is going to be alright. It does mean always on, no phone involved (except the computer randomly asking to have dial-up back for no reason), and a wireless network in the house - so the Wii is online! I downloaded Super Mario Bros.! And I am typing this from the floor of the living room. I've also been enjoying the wonders of Youtube videos, which load up faster than they play, a miracle to my belagged eyes.
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  Fan Art Museum! 04:19 PM -- Wed February 21, 2007  

Come one, come all, to witness the grand opening gala at our Fan Art Page! Right now it's only got the entries from our Duhcember fan art contest on it.

If you are one of the featured artists, drop me a line in email or forum PM or chat PM if you'd like a more accurate/meaningful description (descriptions are under the pictures when you click on them) or title placed on your art (or want it put under a different name or anything like that). The current stuff I just made up off the top of my head.

Also, I know there have been a bunch of other fan art pieces in the past. I will try to dredge up what I can when I can, but if you have something, please send it in! I'd love to expand the museum. There's a bunch in the Supreme With Cheese gallery, I remember that, but I don't know that I need to duplicate those - they're special treasures included there. I also have some very cool pillows that are half fan art. TDM created the actual artwork on them - stitched Pumpkin Pop pumpkins - and then Sol stitched those up into mini-pillows! I'm gonna get pictures of them up on the fan art page soon. I'll have to dig through the email archives and see what older fan art pieces I can find. We've gotten a lot over the years.

And thank you very much to all the artists who provided it!!
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  Choose Your Own Adventure 03:23 PM -- Fri February 16, 2007  

(Writing that title it just occurred to me that I could make a CYOA out of journal posts... I could put links to entries instead of "turn to page 42"!)

I have been hard at work on Loonyland 2: Collector's Edition. It was called the Director's Cut for quite a while (or Developer's Cut at times), but as someone pointed out in a chat, who exactly was preventing the director from realizing his true vision that he had to release a separate cut? So just Collector's Edition. What do you get when it is finally available?
  • 5 Bonus Battles in the Arena - These only become available once you enter Madcap Mode, and you won't want to try them until you are very beefed up! They are however available at rank 0 if you really want. They feature several brand new enemies, and there is also a new type of battle. It's a money match - you have a set time limit, and earn a smallish amount of money for every enemy beaten during the time. So you can control how much money you make by how well you play (of course, if you don't get enough, you'll lose money!). The final bonus battle is by far the hardest fight in the game.

  • 3 new Artifacts - You find these just like any other, which means you pretty much don't unless you are very very lucky! And lucky you would be, because these 3 are extremely overpowered. Unlike the regular artifacts, these ones are completely ridiculous.

  • Development Gallery - You need to find Gallery Passes (well, green scrolls - I don't know what they're called yet) when playing the game to access these pictures. I'm not sure how you'll get them yet. I am thinking about setting up some sort of Gallery Goals again, but there are far less than 100 pictures this time. In fact, I think there will be 12. That's all the development artwork I could dredge up. Anyway, the pictures are various concept artwork and maps, comparisons with the finished work, that sort of thing. A fun one is closeups of all 20 Potions, so you can see what their labels actually look like.

  • Developer's Commentary - This is definitely the most work. I've barely got any done and I've worked for hours and hours on it. Once you have won the game once, you'll be able to toggle between regular music and commentary. Each room has its own commentary, so as you go through the game you can hear about the development. This covers any topic you can imagine, it's like the commentary on a DVD. My favorite so far is the room that contains outtakes. I only had 2 from the making of LL2, so I threw in something I had from the past which is embarrassing amusement. Since I've only done about 8 rooms so far (of 64), I can't be sure, but at the rate it's going, there will be about 3 hours of commentary to "enjoy". I have a huge list of stuff still to discuss, but I have to wonder if I really have 3 hours of things to say, or if I will be too tired of myself by then. Aside from me, Sol Hunt and Ollie the cat have so far also appeared in the commentary.

  • An Editor?! - Yes. This is something I thought about a bunch, and decided that it was already in there, so why not? The editor is actually built into the game, it's just disabled in the versions I release. So for the Collector's Edition, I have enabled it, so you can enjoy the wonders. I also implemented a system by which it can have add-ons in a specific folder, and you can choose which one to play when starting a new character. However, stop jumping up and down in your chair! It won't be as amazing as you think. Why?

    • Clunky! - This editor is a slightly upgraded version of the original Dr. Lunatic editor, which most of you have never even seen. It's an ugly, clunky thing to mess with.

    • No documentation! - I am not going to help you figure it out! Well, I will help a bit on the forums, but mostly it's up to you guys. I don't have the time to support something so complicated and so badly made. It was never meant to be used by other people, and has lots of odd quirks it adds onto the Dr. L system to complicate matters.

    • Hardcoding - This is the biggie. There is a lot that you can't edit. You can't change what any characters say, what the quests require and reward or anything like that, and many many weird little things are hardcoded so that you have to be very careful what you do when editing to make sure that your adventure still even works. As a very simple example - when you start a new game, you begin in Woody's Cabin, with Woody talking to you. That's map #5, I believe, for no particular reason! But that's a simple one. The real stuff is specifics like when that guy comes and rescues you from that place (no spoilers here!), the exact coordinates of where the wall breaks are locked, and things like that. So you will need to work around all that stuff, and test for centuries to make sure it all happens as it should.

    • The Arena - You can change the layouts of the arenas, but you can't change the battles (I know that would be fun, but you can't). And by 'change the layout', I mean change what the 5 specific arenas are like. You can't, say, make To The Pain! use one layout, and Don't Get Shot use another, because they both use the same "small room" arena.

    • What you can do - You can decide how the maps are laid out for 90% of the game (just make sure you leave that 10% alone!), and make all kinds of crazy places to adventure and so on. You can specify what types of monsters and herbs are in each place, where towns are, where you meet characters, where you find items and skills, etc. I think it would be possible to make a really cool, really huge, remix of the game if you wanted. You could also trim the whole thing down and just make a little mini challenge where the player picks up a set of skills at the beginning (maybe force them to choose one of a few different sets, like picking a class), and then enters a labyrinth that's only a level long. It is possible to force completion of a quest, so you could have them finish off Klonk when they're level 5, and give them credit for the final quest, winning the game right there. I think it would even restart the same adventure in Madcap! Boy, you'd be doomed playing Madcap at level 5.

    So the possibilities are enormous and sort of endless, but don't get carried away - you don't get to make up your own actual adventures, and it's very hard to get it working right in the first place.

There you have it. Some great deals. I look forward to seeing if anybody can ever make a working adventure! I hope I'll need to create an Add-On page for LL2!
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  Shocking 06:54 PM -- Wed January 31, 2007  

I live in a very dry place. I wear socks all day in the winter, since it's cold. The house is carpeted. These elements all conspire to create vast electrical forces that could burn down entire buildings, but instead tend to choose odder expressions. Recent electrical events:

  • I get up from the couch while holding a PS2 controller. Electricity shoots through me, through the controller, through the PS2, through the RCA cables, and BAM. The TV shuts off. It can't be turned back on without unplugging it for a few seconds first. Everything else in the chain is just fine. This has happened many times - our new couch is a hotbed of static.
  • Walk over to the computer and touch the mouse. The mouse dies, stops moving, and the computer says a USB device has disconnected. A second later it reconnects. Don't think that's good for it.
  • Every time I go over to change the radio station, I touch the case on the radio to discharge and get a nice hearty shock. I do this because I don't want to hurt my XM receiver which I have to touch next.
  • I have a very funny picture, which I will not post for my own personal safety, of my wife sitting in a chair with a giant halo of her hair all around her. Each strand (well, a few hundred that chose to do this) is individually sticking out in a different direction, just floating there.
  • The cats are very hesitant to sniff at us anymore, because every time they do they get electrocuted. It's good shock therapy, but I really don't need them to have an aversion to me.
  • If I pet a cat in the dark, it looks really cool.
  • The DVD player has gone dead more than once due to human contact.
  • I am developing an immunity to being shocked, as well as an innate awareness of whether I need to touch something metal before I touch something high-tech. I'm just plain getting used to it.
So if mass quantities of cat hair going into fan ports and CD drives wasn't enough, as well as rural-quality electricity (micro-brownouts of a 1/2 second or so on a regular basis), our electronic devices now also get to contend with intense jolts. That can't be good for them. It really amazes me that I can conduct into the TV going through a plastic PS2 controller, not to mention all the intervening cables and devices. Same with the mouse - I touch plastic, and it shorts out!

Speaking of devices, bribe #2 has arrived! A developer of a game I am doing a Round Up of this month has sent me a new video card so that I could actually run his game! I'm in the 21st century now. It's wonderful. It's unfortunate that the game appears to be a very good one, so I can't prove my incorruptibility by giving it a low score. Oh well, guess it just means I'll be getting more bribes! Hopefully they will continue to come from people who make good games, so nobody will ever realize that it doesn't affect the score.
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  And... scene! 03:58 PM -- Sun January 28, 2007  

Okay, I finished! It's been 25 hours since I technically started, but for several reasons I think I wasn't cheating. So here is what the finished game looks like on a high level when things are crazy:

I changed the rules around a bit after that, so I don't know if it's even possible to get that far anymore. I think so though. Balance on this game is very questionable and haphazard. But I have fun playing it! I will put it up on the gamelets page in a little bit when I have it packaged up.
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  2 hours left 12:54 PM -- Sun January 28, 2007  

According to not cheating, I have 2 hours left, although the rules said either a single 24 hour block, or 12 hours broken up. I haven't timed anything, but I am quite sure I'm not even close to 12 hours of work yet - I gave up VERY early last night and watched movies, due to cranial agony. So...

Now there are Missile Commanders, and Cryotanks. You can't see the tanks here, but that's okay because they don't do anything yet. But the red squares are the explosions from the missiles. It also now has levels, which go in a sequence - normal, boss (way less guys with way more health), speed (weaker guys that move fast), and horde (lots more guys with less health), and back again. Obviously getting progressively tougher along the way. The balance is completely random at this point, but I'm enjoying it anyway. The missiles are odd - they home in on the center of mass of enemies. So if you just have guys left on either end, you can end up with missiles spinning around aimlessly in the middle. The white box in the pic is a missile. Oh, and you can see the highlight here - the missile station that's blue-ishy is currently selected.
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