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  Hey Gang! 06:25 PM -- Fri September 18, 2009  

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? Here's the latest from the Ham front:

- Newsletter & Such: See it next month! It's another lazy month off on that in all the fuss. I do have several add-ons that should be going up (and a bunch of fan art and photos, I think), it's just all falling by the wayside right now.

- Loonyland Tactics: Has been getting worked on! Not this week, and I don't really remember last week, but at some point, work happened. Now you can select your guy and move him around, and his move points run out, and he has an icon for 'move'. You can also end your turn, which just starts it over, restoring his move points. Pretty exciting! I should share a new character shot (only 2 more Bunnies left, can you guess what they are?), I'm just uninspired to turn on the other PC to get the shot out of 3D Studio.

- Website: Aha! This is what's been knocking everything else out! It's really actually finally in a state where I feel comfortable saying "it's getting there". That's an achievement, right? My to-do list is shrinking, the fun factor is rising, and sometime before this year ends, you will meet the Hamumu Clubhouse, and you will cheer.

I have actually linked up what I'm working on with the live site data, so even though you can't tell yet, you all now have an Awesomeness rating at this moment, as well as a collection of 5 random monsters. Someday you will find out which 5 they are, and you will yearn to get more! And let me tell you, I went through a serious headache when I did connect things up... stuff that works in a test environment surprises you greatly when it goes live. I still have a bunch of features to add to the chat, and a few pages that need tricking out, but it's getting there! When it does release, it won't be "done" - a lot of things are just converted over to the new look without any new features or better content, so the website will continue to be an ongoing upgrade. There will also be new webgames to come (again, not at launch). I might set aside a week each month to focus on the site! It's SRS BSNS. No, I don't talk like that... It's serious business.
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