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  Growtopia is now in beta! 05:16 PM -- Mon December 3, 2012  

Got an Android device of any sort? Come check out Growtopia! Click here to get it!
It's along the lines of Minecraft - you have a world full of other players, and you chop it up to make new stuff of your own (with no real goals, just build and socialize and enjoy). However, instead of crafting things, everything grows on trees! You create new stuff by splicing together seeds of other stuff, plant it, and see what grows. It's very strange, and totally ridiculous, and it has a /dance command, so give it a try. We could use the feedback.

Eventually it will be available on iOS, other devices, and probably PC/Mac/Linux. But for the beta, we're doing this Android thing (because it's easy to update on Android, unlike iOS!).
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