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  Project #4, Almost Out The Door 08:16 PM -- Thu November 4, 2010  

The fourth project I'm currently working on is basically done! It's being tested right now. Like a couple projects back, this is one that's not going to be on Hamumu, it's specifically for another site. VERY specifically, as you will find out when it's released. I will of course link you right to it when it happens, and you can enjoy!

It is, in fact, a Robot game. But it's non-canon. Just a little side adventure for him. There's other news for Robot in the future too, but I shall say no more. The series is over, as you know, but that doesn't mean Robot has died. As Jake once said, "Go then, there are other worlds than these." And some pretty exciting and different stuff for him.

So those are the four projects I'm actively working on. I'm also working on a non-game project, which is a writing tool (perhaps you didn't know I was the creator of Writing Prompts 2?). I'm also helping out with some of that future Robot stuff, but it's not my project, I'm just assisting. I also wish I was working on a Nanowrimo novel, but I'm way too busy. My wife is doing one though!
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  Everybody's* A Winner! 09:22 PM -- Mon November 1, 2010  

(*not actually everybody)

The Best Halloween Ever has come and gone once again! All the contests have been judged and voted on, and after back-breaking labor (seriously, my back hurts! Could be from sitting here all day), the results are finally out! Here are the winners:

Become Hamumuically Enrobed Costume Contest
First place in this contest was taken by Happystikbeaver with his Pumpkinstein outfit! Second place was .Blue Dwarf. as Robot Wants Candy. Third place was a tie between Moltanem2000 as Gaston Le Fleur, and Seamonkey as a Crazy Bush. The costume contest is always my favorite thing to see. Check out the entries yourself at the link just above.

Bits Help Everybody Avatar Bit Contest
In this contest, the top 3 vote-getters all won equally: Yerfbucks, their avatar bit being available in the Yerfshop, and a free copy of their (overpriced) creation. Those winners are: .Blue Dwarf. again, with his Fire Axe, Pizza with his Plastic Pitchfork, and Redbone with his Great Pumpkin.

Build Halloween Environments Costume Party Level Contest
If you want to see the entries in this contest, just play Costume Party, and do a search for level name "BHE". There were two divisions. Division 1 allowed the creator to use any tiles they wanted. Division 2 limited you to only the original tiles, no expansions allowed. In both divisions, the winner was SpaceManiac! Second place in Division 1 was a tie between Blackduck and Happystikbeaver. In Division 2, second place was Moltanem and third place was again Happystikbeaver who apparently was the big winner overall this Halloween!

And lastly, we have the Best Halloween Ever event itself! This was just an opportunity for people to create surprises (of any kind!) for everyone on Hamumu to enjoy, and get rewarded by me based on my own whims and whiles. If you entered this, visit your Dumb Page to see how much you won. I am too lazy to list all the people who submitted things, but I think every single one of them posted a link to their surprise in that thread I just linked, so go in there and check them out! There are a whole lot of Gamemaker and Flash games, a short story, some pictures, some Supreme worlds, and even the first ever Sleepless Hollow add-on. I think we had ...14 entries? Something close to that. Check em out if you didn't yet!

So there it is! In addition to all that, I may have posted this yesterday, but there are also a pile of Supreme add-ons that got released (including of course Halloween Horror 11), and even a Loonyland 2 add-on. Now except for the fact that I have to write the newsletter, I can finally rest! This has been an exhausting few days. I ARE WINNER!
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  Best Halloween Ever! 09:28 PM -- Sun October 31, 2010  

Don't forget that today is the Best Halloween Ever, and you can click here to see what kind of surprises people have in store for you (except some are probably scattered elsewhere around the Forum, so search away).

The closest thing I have to a BHE surprise to offer you is other peoples' work - enjoy the latest edition of Halloween Horror, with 4 worlds in it, on our Add Ons page! In addition, there are 3 other Supreme add-ons on there, and once I finish writing this, I'll be posting up an LL2 add-on as well!

So be spooky and celebrate away! The results of the various B.H.E. contests will be posted tomorrow, so make sure you get your votes in tonight in all their polls if you haven't done so yet. Besides, looking at costumes and playing Costume Party are very appropriate Halloween activities anyway! And save the Great Pumpkin one last time before he goes away for the year!
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  Project #3 - M.H.D. 09:21 PM -- Sun October 31, 2010  

Well, the third of the projects I'm working on right now is one I won't actually give you much of anything about... It's actually very far along, pretty close to done except for laying out levels. Unlike the other things I'm doing lately, this one is very personal, and it is in fact (by my definition) a pretentious art game. Or at least as close to such as I ever plan to get. The other game earlier that people were describing as such is totally not - it's a straight-up comedy. This one... well, you'll have to see this one to understand what it's about. No screens shall be shown, no hints of content shall be given. All you know for now is that it's a game that comes from my heart in multiple ways, it's a flash game, and the title is abbreviated M.H.D. And no, you're not gonna guess right at all, so I would say don't bother trying, but you'll try anyway!

I don't know when this will be out, since my other projects are specifically for people who need them, while this one is just my own thing. I gotta meet my deadlines!

Pardon the lack of interesting info there, but I said I'd tell you a little something about each project, and that's what I've got about this one!
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  Loonyland 2 Has Been Collected! 01:26 PM -- Sat October 30, 2010  

As of yesterday, we just sold the very last existing copy of the Loonyland 2 Collector's Edition. If you missed your shot at it and you're all sad and whatnot, let me know! If there is enough demand, I'll print up another run!

I had planned to announce the last one was here and maybe do something exciting with it, but it kinda got yanked out from under my nose before I ever had the chance. I can't believe they're all gone. It'd be more poetic to not print up any more. They are a collector's edition, after all. Then again, I probably should've signed them all in that case!

On a super totally related note, don't forget that the Avatar Bit Contest is now in the final voting phase. If you already voted (or didn't), it's time to do it again to choose a final winner!

Tomorrow is the BEST HALLOWEEN EVER!
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  Another Project 07:58 PM -- Tue October 26, 2010  

Another project I'm doing will be done in December. I don't feel like I can say much of anything about it (it's being developed specifically for another site - I'll give you a link when it's done!), but it's another fine Flash side-scroller (without Robot!). I've actually only done art for it so far, but I will be getting into the code portion very soon. Here's some tiles in progress:

I copied colors and some style from a screenshot of a Gameboy version of Contra, and the end result is some of my best work! Not real sure what that light brown junk is. I liked the look of the green platforms sitting on the side of the cliff there, so I thought the cliffs could be background instead of solid walls. But that left me with the problem that if everything is a platform or background, then there's nothing stopping you from moving, ever. So the brown stuff is supposed to be ?rocks? that I can use as obstacles. I don't know if I'll keep them, they're a bit odd.
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  Vote For Costume Party Levels! 12:57 PM -- Sun October 24, 2010  

Please make sure you play every level before choose a favorite one! You don't have to finish them, but you have to give them a try to make a fair decision. Remember, Division 1 consists of levels made with any add-on pack the maker wanted, and Division 2 contains levels made only with the original Costume Party tiles.

Click here to vote on Division 1
Click here to vote on Division 2

Go have a Costume Party!
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  Vote For Costumes! 12:42 PM -- Sun October 24, 2010  

The pictures are huge, so I won't lay them all out here, and you can just click here to see them and vote for your favorite! We got nine entries, which I'm really glad about because we were sitting there with none for almost the entire month! I guess everybody was holding out on me, because as you can see with these, they took a lot of effort and time!

Robot seems to have been popular this year! A lot moreso than last year, before he existed. Man, the costume contest is always my favorite part! Hooray for costumes!
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  Vote For Avatar Bits! 12:16 PM -- Sun October 24, 2010  

This is the first of many journal entries today! The Bits Help Everybody contest has closed for entries, and it's time to place your votes for your favorites. The forum only allows 10 options in a poll, and we had 18 entries, so I had to get a little creative. Thusly:

On October 29th, the top 5 entries from each half will face off in a final round to determine the winners!
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  So Many Projects 07:49 PM -- Sat October 23, 2010  

I sure haven't been blogging... it's because I'm working on a big pile of projects, all of which are secret to one degree or another. But I'm going to share a little bit about each one! How about them bananas?

This game may not even appear here on Hamumu, but I'll point you to it when it's done. It's a fairly "adult" game, but while it's a bit edgy, it doesn't have anything far outside Hamumu rules. Maybe a bit iffy though. It will probably be the first one done of the ones I'm working on. My WoW buddy is handling almost all of the art duty on it, so that's why it's made of very classy photography instead of goofy monsters with big eyes. In case you can't guess, this is a point & click adventure, somewhat of an "escape the room" game. It's fun to make those, I find!

And please note that quite a few of the Halloween contests require you to submit your entry in SIX HOURS from right now!! Don't miss your chance at mondo yerfbucks (especially the Costume Contest where top prize is a thousand yerfbucks!).
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